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Unlocking Next-Gen Customer Engagement with Conversational Apps
август 27 2024
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
Hubtype Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое Hubtype?

Hubtype is revolutionizing customer engagement with its cutting-edge conversational apps that extend beyond traditional chatbots. By combining interactive features tailored to various industries with advanced AI, Hubtype delivers seamless and engaging customer experiences. Experience the future of customer interaction today!

Как использовать Hubtype?

Maximize customer satisfaction by using Hubtype to create highly effective service automation that your clients will appreciate. Take advantage of the platform's advanced chatbot features and interactive tools. Enhance customer experience with swift self-service options, and utilize the professional toolkit for testing and scaling your solutions effectively.

Ключевые функции Hubtype

Interactive chatbot builder

Messaging-first helpdesk

Customer service analytics suite

Сценарии использования Hubtype


Automating customer journeys beyond text-only AI


Boosting CSAT and NPS scores with intuitive self-service


Scaling automated and agent-based journeys

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Hubtype

Is Hubtype only for enterprise-level businesses?

How secure is the Hubtype platform for businesses?

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