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Transform your cloud expenses with an AI-driven solution that can reduce your AWS costs by up to 60%. Discover how our innovative technology optimizes resource utilization, ensuring you maximize savings while maintaining performance.
декабрь 4 2023
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
Pump Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое Pump?

Pump is an AI-driven solution designed to assist businesses in India in reducing their AWS expenses by up to 60%.

Как использовать Pump?

To get started with Pump, create a free account at pump.co and link it to your AWS account. Pump's AI technology will assess your usage patterns and automatically secure the most cost-effective commitments tailored to your fluctuating AWS usage.

Ключевые функции Pump

AI-powered cost optimization

Real-time usage analysis

Automatic commitment purchasing

Customizable cost thresholds

Сценарии использования Pump


Startups looking to reduce AWS costs


Enterprise businesses with high AWS usage


E-commerce companies with fluctuating traffic


SaaS businesses with dynamic workloads

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Pump

Is Pump available outside of India?

How does Pump optimize AWS costs?

Is Pump really free to use?

Can I customize the cost thresholds in Pump?

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