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Introducing a cutting-edge reusable digital identity solution that empowers users with real-time verification and seamless sharing of their personal information. This innovative technology streamlines identity management, enhancing security and user control while facilitating effortless interactions online.
июль 3 2023
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
ShareID Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое ShareID?

ShareID is an innovative, reusable digital identity solution that allows for real-time and on-demand verification of user identities, facilitating secure sharing of personal information. This platform guarantees the integrity of digital identities while providing a seamless, integrated experience for users from start to finish.

Как использовать ShareID?

To utilize ShareID, initiate a request for ID verification or personal data sharing via your business application. The user will then confirm their official identity and consent to share or verify information with a simple smile. ShareID ensures the integrity of the digital identity, confirming it is unaltered and belongs to the user. Lastly, it conducts real-time validation of the shared data for authenticity.

Ключевые функции ShareID

Authentication with official identity

Remote identity verification

Documents authenticity

AI-based document authentication with 120+ country coverage

Liveness detection and anti-spoofing algorithms

Patented technology for digital identity issuance

Patented biometric chain encryption for personal data security

99.9% AI precision on documents authenticity

0% Personal storage

92% conversion ratio at first attempt

100% Personal data security

Сценарии использования ShareID


Identity verification for online services


User authentication for financial transactions


Document authenticity verification for legal or compliance purposes

Часто задаваемые вопросы от ShareID

What is ShareID?

How does ShareID work?

What are the core features of ShareID?

What are the use cases for ShareID?

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