Leo AI 是唯一專為學生設計的人工智能平台: 擁有超過185,000法語用戶,我們的模型不斷受到學生的要求,因此它會隨著時間的推移而改進。
Leo AI也是市場上唯一能夠撰寫幾十頁(甚至上百頁)文本的人工智能,包括學術格式的來源。
由於人工智能的幫助,Leo AI 也能很好地幫助您上課和溫習。
如何使用 Leo AI?
訪問官方Leo AI網站並創建帳戶後,嘗試使用Leo AI 作為日常學習輔助工具。
Leo AI 的核心功能
Leo AI 的使用案例
來自 Leo AI 的常見問題
Is it plagiarism-proof?
Yes, the text generated by our artificial intelligence is virtually indistinguishable from human copywriting.
In 99.9% of cases, your text will emerge from the plagiarism tools as original... because it is!
In fact, that's one of the real added values of the tool: it actually writes the text, so it's not plagiarism.
Leo AI can write unlimited pages?
Yes, that's one of Leo AI's big assets.
We have thousands of users who have written briefs of over 100 pages.
It's also entirely possible to generate just an introduction, or an independent paragraph.
In all cases, Leo AI adapts to your needs.