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Boost your problem-solving skills with our innovative browser extension that provides instant feedback. Experience a seamless way to enhance your decision-making process and overcome challenges efficiently.
Added on:
July 4 2023
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AI Chatbot

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LeetChatGPT Product Information

What is LeetChatGPT?

LeetChatGPT is a powerful browser extension designed to enhance your problem-solving abilities. It offers real-time feedback, expert guidance, and assistance driven by ChatGPT technology. This tool supports both LeetCode and HackerRank questions, making it an invaluable resource for coding practice and technical interview preparation.

How to use LeetChatGPT?

To get started with LeetChatGPT, simply add the extension to Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. After installation, you can take advantage of its various features: timer mode, manual mode, the ability to ask follow-up questions, a streak tracking system, customizable reminders, conversation history, options for exporting and sharing chats, markdown rendering, and code highlighting.

LeetChatGPT 's Core Features

Supports both Leetcode and Hacker-rank questions

Timer Mode: Get feedback and help for your current solution when a timer runs out

Manual Mode: Get feedback for your current solution towards a brute-force or optimal solution on demand

Ask follow-up questions (chat with ChatGPT)

Streak system for motivation

Customizable reminders for consistent problem-solving goals

Conversation history kept locally

Export and share conversations as png, pdf, or markdown

Markdown rendering and Code highlights

Supports both ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus (models: gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, gpt-4-32k)

FAQ from LeetChatGPT

What is ChatGPT?

What is Leet ChatGPT?

Is LeetChatGPT free to use?

What question platforms are supported?

Do I need a ChatGPT/OpenAI account?

How can I contact you?

Alternative of LeetChatGPT