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107 저장됨
Quickly create applications from data in mere seconds!
5월 19 2024
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UI Bakery AI 도구 정보

UI Bakery 란 무엇인가?

AI App Generator | UI Bakery: Effortlessly create applications from your data with a simple prompt. Customize visually to fit your needs and easily collaborate with your team.

UI Bakery 사용 방법?

1. Create a prompt outlining the specific features you want to include. 2. Visually edit the generated app for optimal design. 3. Collaborate with your team by sharing the edits.

UI Bakery 의 핵심 기능

Low code platform

Drag and drop UI Builder



Workflow automations

UI Bakery 의 사용 사례


Sales dashboard


Interface for managing clients by project


Social analytics dashboard with charts


Financial dashboard

UI Bakery 의 자주 묻는 질문

How does AI App Generator work?

UI Bakery 리뷰 (0)

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