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Transforming and automating Code Integrity with innovative test generation techniques.
апрель 7 2023
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
CodiumAI Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое CodiumAI?

CodiumAI is an interactive development tool designed for busy developers, allowing them to effortlessly create meaningful test suites directly within their IDE.

Как использовать CodiumAI?

CodiumAI analyzes your code, docstrings, and comments to suggest relevant tests as you write. Developers can easily accept and commit these generated tests, streamlining their workflow.

Ключевые функции CodiumAI

CodiumAI suggests non-trivial tests right inside the IDE. It provides full visibility of code behavior and helps developers write reliable code.

Сценарии использования CodiumAI


CodiumAI is useful for busy developers who want to save time writing test cases and improve code integrity.

Часто задаваемые вопросы от CodiumAI

Why don't I just ask ChatGPT/Copilot to write my tests? How is CodiumAI different?

When will I be able to start using CodiumAI? Is it free?

What languages are supported by CodiumAI?

How does CodiumAI ensure the security of my code?

Does CodiumAI write perfect tests?

How can I join CodiumAI?

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