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Introducing our AI-Powered Knowledge Management System: Revolutionize how your organization captures, organizes, and accesses information. By harnessing cutting-edge artificial intelligence, our system streamlines knowledge sharing, enhances collaboration, and boosts productivity. Discover how our innovative solution can transform your knowledge management practices and empower your team to make informed decisions faster and more efficiently. Optimize your workflows and maximize your organization's potential with our advanced AI technology.
октябрь 15 2023
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
Tettra Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое Tettra?

Tettra is an AI-driven knowledge management platform that enables teams to compile essential company information into a centralized knowledge base. With an AI-powered bot, teams can quickly respond to queries in Slack, ensuring prompt access to information. Additionally, Tettra automates the organization and updating of knowledge, keeping your resources current and easy to navigate.

Как использовать Tettra?

To utilize Tettra, start by building your knowledge base with our user-friendly editor or by importing content from platforms like Google Docs and Notion. You can easily respond to inquiries in Slack or through our app using AI, and store reusable answers that can be automatically updated for accuracy.

Ключевые функции Tettra

Curate important company information into a knowledge base

Instantly answer questions in Slack with an AI powered bot

Keep your knowledge up-to-date and organized with automation

Сценарии использования Tettra


Answer repetitive questions and onboard new teammates faster


Organize scattered knowledge for entire companies


Eliminate bottlenecks and save time for sales, support, and agencies

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Tettra

What is Tettra?

How does Tettra work?

What are the benefits of using Tettra?

Can Tettra integrate with other tools?

Is Tettra suitable for all types of teams?

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