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Effortlessly transform photo elements with a single tap.
январь 7 2024
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
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Что такое Sih.Ai?

Sih.Ai is a user-friendly photo editing app that lets you effortlessly change elements in your photos—like clothing, hairstyles, and backgrounds—with just one tap.

Как использовать Sih.Ai?

To get started, simply download the Sih.Ai app on your mobile device. Once installed, open the app and choose a photo you'd like to edit. You can then take advantage of the diverse editing tools available to transform the objects within your image.

Ключевые функции Sih.Ai

Freely change photo objects

Turn text into art

Create AI avatars

Simple and easy to use

Сценарии использования Sih.Ai


Try on different clothing styles


Experiment with different hairstyles and colors


Modify elements in an image


Create AI-generated artwork

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Sih.Ai

How do I download the Sih.Ai app?

Can I change the background of a photo?

Is Sih.Ai available for both Android and iOS devices?

Does Sih.Ai offer any other features besides object replacement?

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