Google to Shut Down Duplex on the Web: What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Changes

Google is set to retire another service, Duplex on the Web, which will stop functioning at the end of 2022. In a recent announcement highlighted by Tech media outlet, Google explained that this decision comes as part of their effort to enhance the Duplex experience based on user and developer feedback. A spokesperson mentioned, “By the end of this year, we’ll turn down Duplex on the Web and fully focus on advancing Duplex voice technology that benefits users every day.”

Launched in 2019, Duplex on the Web was an extension of Google's AI technology initially designed for making phone reservations. It offered Android users the ability to seamlessly buy movie tickets, allowing Google Assistant to navigate websites autonomously. With credit card information stored in Chrome, users could delegate the task of purchasing tickets entirely to the Assistant. Over time, Google expanded this service to include features that enhanced user security against online data breaches, as well as functionalities for checking into flights and tracking discounts.

The decision to discontinue Duplex on the Web may be influenced by the complexities and costs associated with training AI to navigate various websites effectively. According to the support page, Google utilized a specialized user agent to crawl websites multiple times a day, but the effectiveness of Duplex on the Web could be hindered if site administrators restricted the crawler from indexing their content.

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