On Thursday, OpenAI launched a more compact and cost-effective version of its flagship large language model, named GPT-4o mini. This model allows developers to create AI-powered applications and services at a 60% lower cost compared to the previous smallest model, GPT-3.5 Turbo. More significantly for users, GPT-4o mini will replace GPT-3.5 Turbo for free ChatGPT users effective immediately, enhancing their overall experience.
GPT-4o mini has achieved an impressive 82% score on the MMLU benchmark, which assesses Massive Multitask Language Understanding through 16,000 questions spanning 57 academic subjects. Although this score is slightly lower than GPT-4o's 88.7%, it significantly surpasses GPT-3.5 Turbo's 70%. While experts caution against relying solely on these benchmarks for evaluating AI intelligence, they remain a primary metric for assessing the performance of large language models.
The introduction of smaller model versions offers developers greater flexibility in creating AI applications, catering to those who may not require or afford access to the most powerful models for every scenario. In May, Google unveiled its Gemini 1.5 Flash, a lightweight model optimized for speed and efficiency, joining other companies like Anthropic, which have also released scaled-down versions of their models.
Currently, GPT-4o mini can process and generate both text and images, with plans to eventually support audio and video content. While GPT-3.5 Turbo will be phased out from ChatGPT, developers can still leverage it through OpenAI’s API for their applications until it is fully retired.