Scientists Enhance Robot's Sense of Smell Using Locust Antennae and AI Technology

In 2023, technology has advanced to produce cameras and microphones that can rival or even exceed human sensory capabilities. However, humans still lack a superior sense of smell. Evolution has finely tuned the olfactory receptors in humans, animals, and insects over millions of years. Fortunately, scientists may be on the verge of a breakthrough in this area.

A recent study published in the journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics by researchers from Tel Aviv University reveals the creation of a robot that identifies odors with an astonishing sensitivity—10,000 times greater than some specialized electronic devices. This innovative robot is described as a bio-hybrid platform, featuring antennae sourced from desert locusts. These antennae are linked to an electronic system that measures the electrical signals generated when they detect smells.

The researchers have paired the robot with an algorithm that learns to differentiate odors based on these signal outputs. As a result, the system can reliably identify eight distinct odors, including geranium, lemon, and marzipan, as well as two mixed scents. The scientists believe this robotic system could eventually be employed in detecting drugs and explosives.

While Tel Aviv University claims this development is a “scientific first,” it's worth noting that researchers from Michigan State University previously detailed a system utilizing surgically-altered locusts for cancer detection. Additionally, in 2016, scientists experimented with transforming locusts into bomb-sniffing cyborgs. It seems that after millennia of contributing to crop failures, these pests may finally be harnessed for beneficial purposes.

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