Qualcomm's CEO Cristiano Amon has revealed plans for Snapdragon X chips to extend into PCs next year, starting at competitive prices as low as $700, according to The Verge. This represents a significant drop of nearly $300, as the current least expensive Snapdragon X PCs, like the $999 Surface Laptop 7 and Dell Inspiron 14 Plus, remain much pricier. However, Amon did not clarify if these budget-friendly PCs will be exclusively laptops; the potential for affordable tablet PCs and desktops exists as well. Qualcomm has already entered the mini-PC sector with its $799 desktop developer kit designed for developers looking to explore Windows on Arm. A consumer version at a similar price point could rival products like the Mac mini.
The pricing announcement occurred during the company’s third-quarter earnings call. However, detailed sales figures for current Snapdragon laptops have not been disclosed. Given that the quarter concluded on June 23—just weeks after the debut of the first Copilot+ PCs—Qualcomm stated it's premature to evaluate their performance.
Amon did mention that some Snapdragon X PCs have already sold out, signaling strong initial interest. Additionally, statistics reveal that 6.5% of Geekbench 6 benchmarks recorded in the past month were conducted on Snapdragon X PCs. The CEO confirmed that Qualcomm is collaborating with manufacturers on the next generation of Copilot+ PCs, although no release timeline has been provided. Upcoming Qualcomm-powered PCs will also be showcased at IFA in September, and a new Qualcomm custom CPU is set to be unveiled at the Snapdragon Summit in October. The early momentum for Snapdragon X PCs is promising and shows no signs of slowing down.