Windows laptops have experienced an impressive year, marked by the introduction of Snapdragon X chips in the Copilot+ PC line designed to rival the MacBook Air. Additionally, the recent AMD Ryzen 300 AI chips have made a significant impact, with laptops such as the Zenbook S 16 challenging the MacBook Pro. Increasingly, Windows laptops are no longer seen as mere alternatives to MacBooks; they now stand as viable contenders among the best laptops available.
However, one MacBook continues to elude the competition from this new wave of Windows laptops: the M2 MacBook Air. Despite being two years old, this model remains a highly appealing choice, with the 13-inch version starting at $999. While it features only 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, its pricing may not seem impressive at first glance. For comparison, the Surface Laptop 7th Edition also starts at $999 but offers double the memory.
Here's the good news: you can currently find the 13-inch M2 MacBook Air for as low as $799 at retailers like Best Buy and Amazon. This $200 discount is substantial and coincides with the cost Apple charges to upgrade to 16GB of RAM. While all laptops in the Copilot+ PC line require 16GB of RAM, options under $999 are quite limited. In this competitive price range, every dollar counts.
While the M2 MacBook Air features older technology, its design and features are identical to those of the newer M3 model released this year. The M3 offers enhanced GPU performance; however, unless gaming is a priority, the difference may not be noticeable for everyday use. For those looking for an even more budget-friendly option, the M1 MacBook Air is available for $649. Nevertheless, I recommend the M2 model for its superior display, webcam, speakers, and port selection—it's well worth the additional $150.
The affordability of the M2 MacBook Air makes it challenging to recommend Chromebooks currently. While I'd like to see prices for Copilot+ PCs decrease in the future, Qualcomm has indicated that more affordable Snapdragon X PCs may debut next year. For now, Apple maintains a significant share of the laptop market that Windows laptops struggle to compete with, especially for models priced under $1,000. Ultimately, if you're seeking a top-tier laptop for under $1,000, the M2 MacBook Air stands out as the best option available.