Crossplag is the most holistic tool for plagiarism checking dedicated to democratizing plagiarism checking while enabling users to have full ownership and control over their data.
Crossplag の使い方は?
Upload documents after registration to detect content similarity.
Crossplag のコア機能
Originality Checking
Data Protection
Crossplag の使用例
Checking for dissertation similarity
Crossplag のFAQ
Is there a free subscription?
Yes, we offer you 10 credits equivalent to 1,000 words that allow you to try our plagiarism checking tool. You can claim your free trial here or use this link –
Which file formats are supported for upload?
You can upload any type of text file formats through our upload form. Recommended formats are Word (.doc/.docx) and PDF.
Where do you store my documents?
Crossplag by default only stores your document file to present you with your results but not the contents of it. However, you can decide choose to store your document content in our databases.