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A centralized data workspace designed for efficient and streamlined data analysis.
декабрь 23 2023
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
Latitude Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое Latitude?

Latitude is an innovative data workspace designed to help analysts optimize their workflow and rapidly create interactive data applications.

Как использовать Latitude?

Integrate your data sources, analyze and model the data, create eye-catching dashboards and reports, collaborate effectively, and uncover valuable insights.

Ключевые функции Latitude

Connect data sources easily

Streamline workflow from raw data to final report

Infinite collaborative canvas for sources, transformations, and charts

Data snapshots with high-speed querying capabilities

Data profiler for quick data quality assessment

Built-in AI assistant to generate SQL queries

Create beautiful interactive data apps

Chart annotations for collaboration

Integration with dbt projects

Сценарии использования Latitude


Streamline data analysis


Build interactive data apps


Generate insights


Collaborate with team members


Enhance data workflow efficiency

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Latitude

What is Latitude?

How do I use Latitude?

What are the core features of Latitude?

What are some use cases of Latitude?

Is there a free trial available?

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