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Build lasting relationships with your customers.
апрель 18 2024
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
Mumble Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое Mumble?

Mumble empowers you to nurture strong relationships with your customers while effectively managing your contact lists. Promote special events and offers, automate sales processes, and swiftly address customer inquiries—all through an intuitive and efficient interface powered by the WhatsApp API.

Как использовать Mumble?

To get started with Mumble, create an account, link your WhatsApp API, and begin managing customer relationships, running advertising promotions, and addressing inquiries.

Ключевые функции Mumble

Maintain consistent customer relationships

List management

Promotion advertising

Automated sales

Query response

Сценарии использования Mumble


Manage customer support


Send promotional messages


Plan automated sales campaigns

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Mumble

What is Mumble?

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