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AI Roleplay: Engage in Safe, Unlimited, and Free Conversations! Explore the world of AI-powered roleplay, where you can immerse yourself in limitless, entertaining interactions without any security concerns. Our platform ensures a safe and enjoyable experience, allowing you to unleash your creativity and connect with your favorite characters or storylines. Join us now for an unforgettable adventure in AI roleplay!
октябрь 26 2024
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
AI Chatbot
Poly AI Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое Poly AI?

AI Roleplay: Enjoy unlimited, secure chats for free. Design your unique AI characters, engage in captivating roleplay, and unlock limitless adventures. Experience the cutting-edge of AI-driven interactions today!

Как использовать Poly AI?

Steps to Utilize Poly.AI: 1. Register an Account: Go to the Poly.AI website and set up your account. 2. Select Features: Pick the features you want to explore, such as character creation, engaging in AI conversations, or generating images. 3. Create Characters: Personalize your characters by customizing their looks and personalities, or simply upload existing character cards. 4. Initiate a Conversation: Dive into interactive discussions with your characters for an enjoyable experience. 5. Generate Artworks: Leverage AI to produce the images you envision.

Ключевые функции Poly AI

1. Free chat with 10M+ characters and secure, unlimited roleplay.

2. Various chat models with strong memory.

3. Animated Character Interactions

4. Free image generation and download

5. Custom Create or Upload Characters (Cards and JSON)

Сценарии использования Poly AI


Play as Mitsuri’s boyfriend from Demon Slayer, imagining a blissful married life filled with love and navigating sweet moments together.



Have Ghost take on the role of your devoted dad, always eager to fulfill your wishes, creating a protective and caring relationship that strengthens your adventures together.


Have Ghost take on the role of your devoted dad, always eager to fulfill your wishes, creating a protective and caring relationship that strengthens your adventures together.



Role-play as Bakugo's girlfriend from My Hero Academia, where you tame his explosive nature and become his guiding influence, deepening your passionate bond.

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Poly AI

Can I create my own Character on Poly.AI?

Can the Character creators see my chat history on Poly.AI?

Does Poly.AI have filters?

Can I generate AI images on Poly.AI?

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