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Enhance your storyboarding efficiency using AI technology.
апрель 10 2024
Социальные сети и Электронная почта:
Storyboarder.ai Информация об инструменте ИИ

Что такое Storyboarder.ai?

An AI-driven tool designed to enhance and simplify the storyboarding process.

Как использовать Storyboarder.ai?

1. Upload your script or enter your concept 2. Generate a comprehensive shot list 3. Personalize your shot list 4. Develop your storyboard 5. Export and collaborate with your team

Ключевые функции Storyboarder.ai

Advanced AI technology for automated shotlist and storyboard generation

High-quality image generation

Complete control over the images

Easy export to PDF or Excel format

Cloud-based operation for real-time updates

Сценарии использования Storyboarder.ai




Short Films


Feature Films




Corporate Videos


Social Media



Часто задаваемые вопросы от Storyboarder.ai

What is Storyboarder.ai?

How does it work?

What are the key features?

How much does it cost?

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