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Engage in seamless conversations with files, receive precise responses, and effortlessly access documents without the hassle of scrolling or searching.
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May 13 2023
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FileGPT Product Information

What is FileGPT?

FileGPT is an advanced GPT-AI tool specifically crafted to build a personalized knowledge base. This innovative platform enables users to engage in natural language conversations with multiple file types, delivering swift and precise answers. With FileGPT, effortlessly access and interact with your documents, audio files, videos, YouTube content, and webpages—eliminating the hassle of endless scrolling and searching.

How to use FileGPT?

Using FileGPT is easy and user-friendly. Simply upload your files, which can include PDFs, DOCs, TXTs, audio files, YouTube links, and webpages. After uploading, engage in a conversation with your files using natural language questions. FileGPT quickly processes your queries and delivers accurate answers. Additionally, you can extract text from handwritten documents, analyze audio and video content, and conduct cross-source queries to receive information from multiple files simultaneously.

FileGPT's Core Features

FileGPT offers several core features to enhance your workflow: 1. Chat with Everything: Interact with files, audio, videos, YouTube, and webpages using natural language queries. 2. Multi Format Support: Work with various file formats such as PDFs, DOCs, TXTs, audios, YouTube links, and webpages. 3. Long Text Support: FileGPT can handle large files and long texts without any issues. 4. Smart Content Parsing: Extract text from handwritten documents and analyze audio and video content. 5. Cross-Source Querying: Easily query multiple files at once by selecting sources and asking questions. 6. Affordable Technology: Upgrade your workflow with a cost-effective solution.

FileGPT's Use Cases


FileGPT is beneficial for a wide range of use cases such as: 1. Research: Quickly find information and extract relevant content from research papers, articles, and webpages. 2. Content Creation: Generate ideas, gather information, and receive assistance in creating written content. 3. Data Analysis: Analyze large amounts of text data, extract valuable insights, and perform linguistic research. 4. Learning and Education: Receive automated assistance in studying, gathering information, and analyzing educational resources. 5. Business Documentation: Easily search, extract, and summarize information from business documents, contracts, and reports.

FAQ from FileGPT

What is FileGPT?

Can I try it for Free?

What kind of plans are offered?

How long will I have access to FileGPT?

Why should I use FileGPT other than ChatPDF or ChatDOC?

What kind of files does FileGPT support?

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