A groundbreaking weather prediction program developed by DeepMind, named “GraphCast,” utilizes machine learning to forecast weather variables over a 10-day period in under a minute. According to researchers, GraphCast has achieved a remarkable 90% accuracy rate, surpassing traditional weather prediction technologies.
GraphCast operates by analyzing "the two most recent states of Earth’s weather," which includes data from the current weather conditions and those from six hours prior. This enables the algorithm to generate accurate six-hour weather forecasts.
The real-world effectiveness of this AI technology is evident; for instance, it predicted the landfall of Hurricane Lee on Long Island a full 10 days in advance, while traditional methods lagged. Standard forecasting models often require extended processing time due to the complexities of physics and fluid dynamics involved in accurate predictions.
In addition to its speed and efficiency, GraphCast excels at predicting severe weather events, including tropical cyclones and extreme temperature fluctuations across regions. Its ability to be re-trained with up-to-date data suggests that the tool will continue to enhance its accuracy in identifying weather pattern oscillations associated with climate change.
The potential for GraphCast to become a staple in mainstream services is promising. Reports indicate that Google is considering integrating the AI-driven algorithm into its offerings, signifying a growing demand for improved storm modeling. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is also developing models aimed at delivering more precise forecasts for the timing and intensity of severe weather events, especially hurricanes.