Dream Machine: Generate 120 Frames in Just 120 Seconds—Video Lengths Up to 5 Seconds

Luma AI's Dream Machine offers an innovative solution for creating "high-quality" videos from text and images. This cutting-edge tool generates 120 frames in just 120 seconds, producing engaging videos with a maximum length of five seconds. The output features realistic motion, cinematic visuals, and dramatic effects, all harmonized with camera movements for stunning results.

Despite its impressive capabilities, Luma AI acknowledges certain limitations. For example, when changing angles, cars may appear distorted, and a dog's movement may inadequately depict its paws. Text accuracy can also be an issue, with “Luma” sometimes appearing as “Lumma.” Additionally, when a polar bear turns, it can unintentionally resemble Janus, the Roman god of doorways, due to an odd two-headed effect. Luma AI is dedicated to ongoing improvements to resolve these challenges.

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