Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has filed a trademark application for “HUAWEINETGPT,” categorized under international classifications like scientific instruments and design research. This trademark could signify Huawei's strategy to enhance its position in the artificial intelligence (AI) sector.
Reports indicate that Huawei aims to establish an AI-focused ecosystem that will provide a range of AI solutions, including chips, algorithms, and development platforms tailored for various industries. The company has already introduced several AI products, such as the Ascend series of AI chips and the Atlas AI training cluster. Therefore, the HUAWEINETGPT trademark application marks an important milestone in Huawei's efforts to accelerate its growth in the AI market.
In a related development, Beijing Chezhijia Information Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Autohome, has submitted trademark applications for “Auto-GPT” and “AHGPT.” These trademarks span international classifications, including advertising, education, entertainment, and scientific instruments. Additionally, Beijing Jingdong 360 Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. seeks to register the trademark “ChatRhino,” classified under website services.