Oscar-nominated actress Scarlett Johansson has filed a lawsuit against an AI app developer for unauthorized use of her likeness in an advertisement, as reported by Variety. The 22-second commercial promoted an AI image editor called Lisa AI: 90s Yearbook & Avatar and featured an AI-generated representation of Johansson's voice and image. It began with a clip of Johansson from a Black Widow behind-the-scenes moment, followed by AI-generated photos and a cloned version of her voice endorsing the app. The ad included fine print stating, "Images produced by Lisa AI. It has nothing to do with this person."
Multiple Lisa AI apps developed by Convert Software are still available on the App Store and Google Play, although the ad is no longer visible on X. Johansson's lawyer, Kevin Yorn, emphasized that she is addressing the matter legally, stating, "We do not take these things lightly. We will pursue all legal remedies available to us."
Johansson, one of Hollywood's most recognizable faces and voices, serves as a spokesperson for luxury brands like Dolce & Gabbana and Louis Vuitton. The unauthorized use of her likeness raises significant concerns about the integrity of advertising practices on platforms like X.
The issue of employing AI to replicate celebrity likenesses is a burgeoning topic, and the legal landscape remains uncertain. In a similar instance, actor Tom Hanks alerted his followers about AI-generated videos of his likeness being misused to promote products fraudulently. While the legal framework is still evolving, some states, including California, have established laws permitting civil lawsuits for the unauthorized use of an individual's name, voice, photograph, or likeness in advertising.