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Whether you're a team of one or a thousand, Zapier puts the power of automation in your hands—no coding required. Take your workflows to the next level with our suite of automation tools.
Added on:
February 7 2025
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Zapier Product Information

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your apps and services. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration.

How to use Zapier?

Get started with your free Zapier Chatbots add-on trial The Zapier Chatbots trial is available to all users on a Free Chatbots account. It will automatically begin when you create your first Chatbot on your Zapier account. With trials, you can test all the paid features of Zapier Chatbots for 14 days. This includes all Advanced plan features: Add knowledge sources and schedule a knowledge source sync. Collect custom lead information. Embed your chatbot as a pop-up or inline on your website. Customizable colors and branding. Remove the Zapier label. Use different AI models by connecting your own API key. Add AI-generated suggestions.

Zapier 's Core Features

Zaps-Automate advanced workflows with the full building power of Zapier.

Interfaces-Build professional apps, forms, and web pages that easily connect to your Zaps and Tables.

Tables-Get more storage and control of the data that powers your automated workflows.

Chatbots - easy to build, no code required.

Zapier 's Use Cases


Draft email replies to customers.


Summarize sales calls using OpenAl.


Talk to leads 24/7 with a custom sales chatbot

FAQ from Zapier

How does Zapier work?

What are some popular use cases for Zapier?

Can I integrate AI with Zapier?

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