Recently, Samsung Electronics announced plans to extend its Galaxy AI smart features to select models in the mid-range Galaxy A series, with initial offerings expected to include the Galaxy A55 and Galaxy A35 starting in 2024. More models may support these features in the future.
While these mid-range devices will benefit from advanced AI capabilities, some limitations compared to flagship models are anticipated. The specific features that may be restricted have not yet been disclosed, but it's confirmed that not all Galaxy AI functionalities will be fully available on these mid-tier phones.
The Galaxy AI features are expected to roll out through the One UI 6.1.1 update, which is scheduled for release in September. Current Galaxy AI offerings include several innovative services, such as "Select-and-Search," allowing users to long-press the home button to select content on their screen for online searches; "Real-Time Translation," which provides instant language translation during calls; and "Photo Assistant," similar to Google's Magic Editor, enabling users to modify or remove elements in photos.
This expansion represents a significant step forward for Samsung in enhancing the smart experience of mid-range smartphones. Despite potential feature limitations, it is poised to boost the appeal and competitiveness of the Galaxy A series.