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Introducing Outset.ai, an innovative AI platform designed for seamless autopilot interviews and actionable insights. Embrace the future of data gathering and analysis with Outset.ai, where efficiency meets intelligence.
апрель 7 2023
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Что такое Outset.ai?

Outset.ai is an innovative AI-powered research platform designed for seamless, automated interviews. By utilizing an AI interviewer, it facilitates engaging conversations with participants and analyzes the resulting transcripts to deliver actionable insights.

Как использовать Outset.ai?

To get started with Outset.ai, simply follow these steps: 1. Log into the AI-Moderated Research Platform. 2. Upload an existing guide or generate a new one using AI. 3. Share the interview link with your participants or users. 4. Allow the AI interviewer to facilitate the interview and explore topics in depth. 5. View how the AI analyzes transcripts, offering summaries, themes, and impactful verbatims.

Ключевые функции Outset.ai

AI-moderated interviews

Fast and efficient insights

Multi-language support

Automatic analysis of transcripts

Summary generation

Theme extraction

Powerful verbatim highlighting

Сценарии использования Outset.ai


In-depth interviews


Concept testing


Diary studies


Sentiment analysis


Brand equity research


Survey open-ends

Часто задаваемые вопросы от Outset.ai

What is Outset.ai?

How does Outset.ai work?

What are the core features of Outset.ai?

What are the use cases for Outset.ai?

Does Outset.ai support multiple languages?

Is pricing information available for Outset.ai?

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