Survey Reveals That Few Americans Actively Use or Fear ChatGPT

Despite its significant presence in the tech industry, you might assume that everyone is utilizing ChatGPT or similar AI tools for everything from job automation to garden planning. However, recent polling from Pew Research indicates that the language model's popularity may not be as widespread—or as threatening—as some claim.

Ongoing surveys reveal that, while awareness of ChatGPT is increasing, only about 18% of Americans have actually used it. Usage varies by demographic, with men, younger individuals aged 18-29, and college-educated people being the most likely users. Even within these groups, usage rates hover between 30-40%. (Refer to the accompanying chart for detailed statistics.)

This rapid rise is remarkable for a technology that was nearly unknown just a year ago. It’s uncommon for two-thirds of Americans to become aware of specific technologies, such as hypervisors or new smartphone models, in such a short time frame.

Users report engaging with ChatGPT primarily for "entertainment" or "learning," rather than for work-related tasks. This aligns with anecdotal observations, where users often experiment with the chatbot for curiosity or casual inquiries like "What’s the Higgs boson?" or "Tell me a fairy tale about Timothée Chalamet," rather than more technical requests like "Write a Python script to extract titles and abstracts from neuroscience databases."

Notably, among those familiar with ChatGPT, there is a perception that it could significantly impact fields such as software engineering, graphic design, and journalism. However, it’s important to note that this sentiment may reflect a broader concern about generative and interpretive AI technologies, rather than a specific focus on ChatGPT alone.

Overall, only 19% of employed individuals aware of ChatGPT believe it will significantly impact their jobs, while 27% anticipate no effect at all. Interestingly, just 15% view it as beneficial. However, professionals in the information technology sector, as well as those in education and finance, are more inclined to foresee various degrees of change, unlike their counterparts in hospitality, entertainment, and hands-on industries such as construction and manufacturing.

In a more recent analysis, Pew researchers discovered that public concern regarding the role of AI has risen significantly. In fact, 47% of respondents, compared to 31% the previous year, expressed feeling "more concerned than excited" about AI. Notably, individuals with more knowledge about AI trends tend to exhibit greater concern.

These findings reflect the general anxiety surrounding AI in contemporary discourse: uncertainty about potential outcomes breeds unease. While AI has the potential to be advantageous, it may also prove intrusive or necessitate regulatory measures; some may even find that it bypasses their industry altogether. It’s likely that in a year, a larger majority will have heard of ChatGPT and similar tools, possibly developing stronger opinions on their implications.

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