At CES 2025, HP made a splash by unveiling three new 14-inch Elitebook laptops, each powered by the latest Intel processors. These laptops are being hailed as AI PCs, a trend that reflects the growing integration of AI into modern technology. The Intel Core Ultra 5 and 7 chips, with their three dedicated AI processing units, are a game-changer, allowing these Elitebooks to perform AI tasks at an astounding 48 TOPS (trillion operations per second). This level of performance is a significant leap forward in the laptop industry.
Features and Specifications of the Elitebook Models
Each of the three Elitebooks offers robust configurations with either 16GB or 32GB of RAM and storage options of 256GB or 512GB. The Elitebook Ultra G1i stands out with its premium features, including a 14-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 2,880 x 1,880, available in both touch and non-touch versions. The 9MP webcam is a standout feature, and the AI capabilities can enhance video call quality beyond the webcam's native resolution. The audio setup, with "studio-quality dual microphones" and a quad-speaker system, promises an immersive audio experience.
The Ultra G1i is designed with portability in mind, weighing in at 2.63 pounds for the non-touch version and 2.68 pounds for the touch version. Its haptic touchpad, a feature reminiscent of Apple's MacBooks, provides a smooth and responsive user experience, making it a pleasure to use for extended periods.
The EliteBook X G1i and EliteBook X Flip G1i offer similar performance but differ in design. The Flip G1i, with its 360-degree hinge, is a versatile 2-in-1 device that can be used in various modes, from a traditional laptop to a tablet. The standard G1i, with its traditional clamshell design, is a solid choice for those who prefer a classic laptop experience. Both models feature lower-resolution LCD screens (1,920 x 1,200 in most configurations, with an option for 2,560 x 1,600) and a 5MP webcam, which, while not as high-resolution as the Ultra G1i's, still delivers clear video quality.
The 2-in-1 design of the Flip G1i, with its touchscreen in all variants, makes it an excellent choice for users who need flexibility in their device usage. The standard G1i, available in both touch and non-touch configurations, offers a more traditional laptop experience. The compatibility with HP's $99 Rechargeable Active Pen (sold separately) adds an extra layer of functionality for users who enjoy taking notes or drawing directly on the screen.
What to Expect in Terms of Pricing and Release
While HP has not yet released pricing or release dates for these new Ultrabooks, they are sure to be a highlight of CES 2025 in Las Vegas. Attendees will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with these innovative devices, which are expected to set a new standard in the laptop market. With their powerful AI capabilities and high-quality features, these Elitebooks are poised to be a hit among tech enthusiasts and professionals alike.